
Ambaar, Netherlands:



Julie, US:

I just can’t believe what a difference in just 42 days by following your instructions and trusting in your guidance, I went from not moving at all to being able to dance last night for the first time in 10 years!!!!  You are truly a gifted and giving person. At first I wasn’t sure if this energy healing really worked, BOY oh BOY, I am SO Glad that it does!!!!  I went to Doctors since my car accident and all they could do is give me pills that made me forget my own name, and still no relief. NOW WOW. I will not doubt this type of healing as it is the only way I received relief! I forever in your debt.

Love Always, Julie M.



Lesley, Australia:

What an amazing gift and experience it has been working with Karina. The initial consultation was with Karina herself where she very accurately did a psychic x-ray of my body. It was so accurate that it had Karina reminding me of some broken bones in my foot that I had forgotten about.

The work that followed next was via an absent method. This is a healing that does not requiring the healer and the receiver to be in the same room, town or country. These were equally powerful healings that left me in no doubt about the work being done, and where the healing was being delivered to.

I have worked with natural therapist and healers form many decades and consider the caliber of work that Karina does to be of an extremely high level. Many changes occurred after the healings that have left me feeling quite joyful and liberated.

Many thanks Karina.



Neena, India:

I had suffered a back injury long time back in an accident, and although it had been troubling me off and on, still the life had been going on quite fine. Suddenly, some time back, I had a severe attack in which I was completely bed ridden. That was the time when the first name that came to my mind was of Karina and she helped me instantly by her healing process. She accomplished backbone alignment for me. We were in different cities, quite far apart, so she did all the healing long-distance. I felt relief instantly with her healing. It also gave me tremendous strength to re-start my own process of recovery. I had usually kept myself in-shape and in good physical conditions, despite the impact of the injury for over eighteen years. This, I had been doing through my own mental healing processes. But, you see, when some setback happens quite suddenly one is thrown off and the mind-body equilibrium diligently established, also gets disturbed. This is exactly what had happened with me. I am very grateful to Karina as she helped me in my time of need and gave me strength to come back on track, regain my health, and restore my equilibrium. I also wish to add that I have not had another back problem since then. This incident happened two years back. I highly recommend Karina’s services for all ailments that anyone may be facing.

Neena Dayal, Business & Personal Coach, Capability Building Specialist &Writer


Simone, India:

It was amazing to experience the channeling sessions together with Karina. It was during a time period that was very intense for me, experiencing some very deep and important processes in my life, also the path through fear into the space beyond fear. At a certain moment I felt that it would be good to talk with Karina about that and about some other issues that were important at that time and to get some feedback. Experiencing the channeling, the power of our higher selves in the connection with the higher source was incredible.

Karina guided both of us first into a small Meditation, preparing the Channeling. It was very obvious that she was connected at that moment to “the world above” and not into her mind any more.

Everything that was said was matching to my feelings and I had the impression that a whole crowd of lovely helpers was there with me and with us. We could experience the incredible power of our existence and the light coming from this source. After the session I not only felt released, but also felt a big bowl of light around me for about 2 more days. It was great for me to share this with somebody as I was used to do everything “on my own”. I felt being supported having the chance to communicate to Karina and meeting together with her these lovely helpers above. I am usually more a kind of an “earth worker”, a shamanic soul. The contact with the light spirits was amazing for me. I felt so much their love and support.
I want to thank to Karina for all her amazing work and her big heart and love. And I want to thank all these visible and invisible, inner and outer supporters that are carrying us with so much love.

Thanks and Love



Sonja, Switzerland:

Liebe Karina
Ich möchte Dir ein grosses Dankeschön aussprechen. Du hast mich geheilt: Du bist für mich ein richtiger Engel, die Begegnung mit Dir hat mir total viel bedeutet. Ich spüre den Schmerz in den Achilles-Sehnen sowie in meinen Daumen nicht mehr. Auch die schlafenden Hände (alles ist weg), kann es kaum glauben. Du hast mich GEHEILT.



Dear Karina
I like to express my deep gratitude. You healed me: You are a true angel for me, the  encounter with you meant really a lot to me . I don’t feel the pain anymore in the Achilles-tendons as well as in my thumbs . Even the sleeping hands (everything is gone),  I hardly can believe it. You have HEALED me.



Stacie, US:

Thank you so much for doing healing work for me. I believe your healing made a huge difference. I woke up early, feeling fine and rested. I was peacefully happy and much more playful with my daughter today than I have been for a long time.
You are a blessing to the world.



Connie, US:

Karina is a very gifted healer with a highly developed intuition. She has healed the emotional causes of many of my blocks so that I could move forward on my spiritual journey. She has also done physical healings for me. She was able to intuit the cause of the headaches I’ve had for six years and do the healing work that allowed me to sleep through the night, pain free. And most amazingly, she has aligned my spine from halfway across the world! After
the aligning, my vertebrae moved smoothly, with no rubbing. I’ve also felt an increase in the flow of energy through my spine.  I’ve felt much more at peace and lighter in my energy. I would highly recommend Karina to anyone
who is looking for help with their physical dis-ease, or who is looking for help in releasing the blocks in the way of their moving forward in life the way they would like.

I’m sending you prospering wishes and tons of good luck energy. I want your healing business to fire up and take off!
Bunches of Love!



Aaron, India:

I would like to thank Karina for her immense healing power, which is really unique and faster than any medicine on earth.
The first time, when I was down with severe back problems, she found out that some of my vertebrae were out of alignment. I never knew that about my vertebrae, but Karina helped my back to get better and the most surprising thing was that I was sitting in my home and she in her house! I never came across such a powerful yet soooo soft healer. It was an amazing experience.
Recently I had a strain in my neck and it was very irritating, as I even couldn’t sleep well. The next day I visited Karina and she healed me in 10-15 min! Without any medication and stuff. She “saw” with her hands that some vertebrae were out of alignment again. After some minutes of her session, my neck was free and I could move normal again!
Highly recommended to all people with any sort of issues!
Wish you all the best for your amazing work, Karina. Amazing way of spreading love and light.



Sagar, India:

I had a bad neck stiffness and usually it takes around 2 or 3 days to come to normal movements. This time with Karina’s session it was almost unreal. The experience was something unheard and unthought of. It started as if nothing is happening, but after that in half an hour I started to feel easy and could move the neck very smoothly and till evening it all just went away!
In one word if I have to describe it will be: “Effective”


Regina, Germany:

Hallo Karina,
seit Deiner Behandlung fühle ich mich ganz bei mir, fühle meine Grenzen und erlebe mich sehr viel durchdachter und weniger in einer emotionalen, wenig hilfreichen Situation. Dadurch kann ich auch Begegnungen und Situationen besser für mich regeln.

Das ist sehr angenehm und bringt Ruhe und Frieden in mein Leben.

Ich werde auch schon angesprochen, dass ich eine viel lebendigere und souveränere Ausstrahlung habe.
Das ist für mich auch ein Teil Leichtigkeit. Lache viel mehr und fühle mich gelößter.
Das ist sicher auch auf die Hormonregulierung zurück zuführen.

Meinem Rücken geht es auch sehr gut und besonders dem Hals und der Schulter.
Ganz vielen, lieben Dank für Deine Arbeit.



Hello Karina,

Since your treatment I feel much more contented within myself, I am able to sense my boundaries and experience myself being much more deliberate and not so often reacting emotionally, which wasn’t so helpful before. Therefore I can deal better with encounters and certain situations.

It was very pleasant and has brought calmness and peace into my life.

I have already been told that I have a more agile and confident vibrancy.

For me it is also a kind of lightness; I laugh much more and feel more relaxed. This surely also has to do with the hormone balance.

My back also feels very good, especially the neck and shoulders.

Thank you so very much for your work.


Shweta, India:

Thank you, Karina, for your help!
Very recently, I have been facing some slow-down in my business. I looked to Karina for advice. Although she was in Germany and I in India at that time, I send her a blue print of my house. She immediately send me all the good and bad directions and advice on how to set up my rooms and house. As soon as I did that, I could feel much positivity in the house, and my business is now getting better – effective immediately. I look to Karina for all answers to many questions that I have. Her connection with the higher energies is impressive and strong. She is up front about all the problems and predictions without much sugar coating. Even if things seem very bad, she will give a good solution to all the problems and will help you fix them.
With the ongoing experience with Karina, the best part is Karina’s presence. Soothing, soft spoken, and funny just makes working with Karina pleasant and progressive. I have looked to other energy healers and readers in the past but Karina’s knowledge, experience, and association with the universe has been most extraordinary and I always look to her for advice. I recommend Karina to whoever needs help with Feng Shui or spiritual healing at home, work or even emotional problems.
Even her products like the Holigrams, the DNA Home Harmony Spiral or the Partnership Hearts can bring much soothing after she has programed them.


Friederike, Germany:

Karina’s Arbeit habe ich als ausgesprochen wertvoll und hilfreich erlebt. Ich habe einen Stein mit drei Holigrammen (http://heartsandhomesinharmony.com/the-holigram/) von ihr bekommen – und ich kann sagen, dass diese sehr wirkmächtig sind. Zwar war mir ganz klar, dass die gewählten Holigramme die richtigen sind. Aber deren Kraft war zunächst zu viel für meinen Körper und meine Seele; ständig stieß ich mich an Ecken und Kanten, war unruhig und mir fielen völlig unerwartet Dinge aus der Hand. Nach nur drei Tagen fiel der Stein mit den Holigrammen dann so unglücklich auf den Boden, dass er zerbrach. Karina hat mir einen neuen programmiert und mit meinem System gearbeitet, ich habe den Stein nur auf dem Nachttisch liegen gehabt und in meiner Handtasche bei mir getragen. Dennoch war viel los. Nach etwa einer Woche konnte ich den Stein am Körper tragen. Seither ist viel Positives passiert. Die Holigramme helfen, das durfte ich selber erleben. Wichtig scheint mir, sehr genau darauf zu achten, welche Holigramme man gerade braucht und vorsichtig mit ihnen umzugehen, um sich selbst nicht zu überfordern.

Auch die heilenden Kräfte von Karina waren sehr hilfreich für mich. Nach der Session war ich erst einmal etwas verwirrt und mir war leicht schwindelig, aber das hat sich schnell gelegt. Am nächsten Tag hatte ich plötzlich so etwas wie Seitenstechen, aber auch das ging relativ schnell vorbei. Ich hätte dem keine weitere Bedeutung beigemessen, wenn nicht genau das gleiche nach der zweiten Session ein paar Tage später wieder passiert wäre! Zwei Tage nach den Behandlungen fühlte ich mich deutlich fitter, fröhlicher, einfach leichter und beschwingter.

Meine Nacken- und Rückenschmerzen waren weg und mein Schritt war raumgreifender und lockerer. Insgesamt war ich viel präsenter als sonst. Ein gutes Gefühl!

Karina geht sehr sorgsam und vorsichtig mit den Menschen und ihren Belangen um. Es tut gut, von ihr in den anstehenden Entwicklungsprozessen begleitet zu werden.



My experience of Karina’s work was very valuable and helpful for me. I got a crystal programmed with 3 Holigrams (http://heartsandhomesinharmony.com/the-holigram/) – and I can say that it was very powerful.

I was sure that the chosen Holigrams were the right ones, but their powers at first were too much for my body and soul: I was constantly bumping on corners and edges of things, I was also restless and things fell out of my hand easily . After 3 days the crystal with the holigrams fell on the floor and broke.

Karina programmed a new crystal for me while she simultaniously worked with my system. Although this time I only had the crystal lying on my bedsidetable or in my purse, it was very effective and a lot was going on. After one week I could carry the crystal on my body. Since then a lot of positive things have happened. I was able to experience myself, how much the holigrams are helping me, but it seems to be important to be aware which holigrams are needed at the given time and use them carefully so as not to overtax the body.

Also Karina’s healing powers were very helpful for me. … Two days after the session I clearly felt fitter, happier, lighter and in a very good mood.

My neck and backpains were gone, my walking is more expansive and loping.
Altogether I am more present than before – a very good feeling!

Karina is very caring and cautious with her clients and their issues. It feels good to be accompanied by her in the upcoming development processes.



Kye, Australia:

The first morning of the treatment, I woke with my whole spine charged with energy. It was very intense. I didn’t have any noticeable over the next few treatments except of an improvement in my mood due to a lessening of stress and a reduction of the pain in my hip.

But on my last treatment, I woke from the most interesting dream. All humans were born with a companion creature than changed in appearance and personality as we grew. It changed in accordance with what our emotional, mental and physical needs and wants were. I woke from that dream with much food for thought.

I can not thank Karina enough for all that she has done. I feel better to no end.